Hello readers!
I hope you're all having a good autumn so far - it's my favourite time of the year with that autumn-leave smell in the air (could be damp if you're UK based...), leaves falling off the trees and the whole town paints a colour pallet of red & brown.
I've decided to blog about Escapism. It's a theme that runs through most of my songs and something I find myself yearning for regularly. Whether it's the fast-pace lifestyle, living in London, modern life or the over stimulation of social media and entertainment. It's something I try to analyse and see if we can change by having a healthy approach to entertainment.
Escapism is generally a term used to describe those who look for distraction and relief from their harsh realities or current state of mind. In particular the most common technique to escape is through entertainment and engaging in fantasy which helps this 'relief'.
The question is, how do we escape when reality gets too harsh? My way is to write lyrics, play the sax, dream of a deserted island surrounded by nature and by drowning myself in satirical movies for a day here and there. We all need to find a healthy escape route and remind ourselves that the entertainment industry is merely a money-making, mind compelling and drama overloaded source for our escapism.
Life is becoming so demanding and this constant need to check social media just takes valuable time away from our daily life and stops us looking around us. Gone are the days where technology was a nuisance, it's now a necessity. The key is to find a healthy way of escaping by getting back in touch with what's natural - going to the park, sitting still, enjoying someone else's genuine company and learning how to relax without stimulating your mind - this is all becoming a life skill!
Apparently, watching TV or a film whilst being stationary is the same as if you were walking around doing things around the house because your mind is still ticking and absorbing images on the screen then using it as your 'escape route'.
I believe technology will get boring and we won't rely on it forever, we are just in the prime and 'honeymoon' period of learning how these new inventions work. We are after all, still guinea pigs in this technological era!
Choose your escape route wisely :)